Friday, March 11, 2005

Blithering Blisters, Batman!

Robin: Holy Hammers, Batman! Did you see that? She built a whole dresser in minutes right in front of our eyes without power tools! Isn't that amazing?!

Batman: It may seem amazing, Robin, but look closely. Those blisters will fester. She'll regret not wearing gloves, mark my words.

Robin: Can we help her, Batman?

Batman: I'm afraid not, Robin. Cold cream and lotion gloves are her only salvation now.

Robin: Perhaps you should marry her, Batman! Then she wouldn't have to do handy things around the house.

Batman: No, Robin. A wife, no matter how beauteous or affectionate, would severely impair my crime-fighting. Although, hammering is better left to the men, Wolfe. This isn't exactly women's work. But then again, you're no ordinary woman.

1 comment:

Paresh said...

You are beyond odd....