Boo bloody hoo
Why, oh why can't I be lovely old spinster aunt Wolfie who gives visiting nieces and nephews chocolate and tells them funny stories? And I actually do like cats. I do. It's true.
I don't want to live with a 'boy' who leaves hair in the sink and walks three steps in front of me and expects bed tea every morning. Would it be so horribly awful if I wanted to live my life on my terms?
I have just been shown the ugliest picture of the ugliest Kayasth 'boy' I have ever seen. I'm going to agree to pursue this just to prove a point.
Is it horrible that my grand plan is based on the supposition that my parents will fail miserably and I can 'hah!' in their faces? It is, isn't it. I'm going to hell, aren't I.
*raises hand*
*raises Manna's hand*
Think we can all live in sin?
Yes. That would be ideal. However I will have to ask my future husband who will be my lord and master (natch). He may not approve and may insted want me to live in hideous boredom with him and his joint family and his small penis.
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