All hail the media of the masses!
UW-Madison rat experiment could lead to stem-cell treatment for ALS. The brilliant folks at UWM find a way to get around the controversial issues of using human embryonic stem cells - they worked with cells collected from brain tissue from electively aborted human fetuses. Now the only thing we have to worry about is that they don't make abortions illegal statewide. Keep your fingers crossed. Well, lobbying will prolly have more of an effect but I highly doubt my blog audience is that zealous. The article is chock-full of technicals but read it to the very end and try and understand it. I cannot impress upon you how vital this is to the development, nay survival of the human race.
Also, I think it's interesting that it is more acceptable in scientific circles to experiment on rats more than primates.
California investment firm acquires Red Prairie of Milwaukee. Yes, I know it's old news but I've only just gotten to that mailer. RFID is the future! *cue waving banner*
Inner-city entrepreneurship needs to be on the up and up.
Did you go to Fusion 2005? No? Well, read the reports! I especially like the one on CIOs learning boardroom-speak.
Sick of blogs? *tee hee* 9 million blogs out there with 40,000 new ones popping up each day! Would that explain why my readership is declining?! You gotta separate the riff from the raff, luvvies. I love the story about Mark Jen being fired from Google and then being taken up by Plaxo. And now with RSS aggregators are starting to be more widely used, surfing as you and I know it has a short life span. Targeted information. When you want it. As you like it. Do you know if they have this as an item in the list of channelizing effective advertising techniques in b-school? This can potentially take branding to a whole new level.
Which reminds me, where can I get Abigail Whistler's playlist?!
I need to rethink my entire blog strategy. There you go, luvvies, there's an exercise for you. Come up with all the reasons you read me and features you'd like to see. This could be the beginning of an entire new website. Let 'er rip, I am not afraid. You see that little comments link at the bottom? Click on it.
Besides, there's another up-side to this entire power-to-the-people approach. When I'm in charge of something important this will be a very simple way of compiling my list of people who ought to get the phazer treatment. For those of you that know me, you know wot that means, and for those of you who don't, you don't need to know because then you'll turn me in to the men in white coats and that wouldn't help.
Back to your irregularly unscheduled program -
Business Week has their own blog.
Fun quote of the week:
Read the entire story...This attitude has troubled some, and Steele has even had an angry broker threaten to sue him over a posting she believed reflected negatively on her. A powerful lawsuit could quickly bring down a shoestring operation like, but Steele has a power card to play as well: "I just told her, look, if you sue me, I'll post about it on my blog." With so many of the broker's customers reading Steele's site, that could pose a real threat to her reputation.
Samsung's SPH-P207 cell phone has speech-recognition software
Why societies - and startups - collapse
Now this is marketing on an opportunity! Read all about Martha's Poncho made Lion Brand Yarn a lot of money.
What do you do when your employer's perfectly lawful demands conflict with your moral code. I agree with Liz Ryan (there she is again) - deal with it or quit. Capitalism isn't going to flourish if we're too busy babysitting "human issues".
Macromedia marries Adobe A lot of people have been wanting this. Be careful wot you wish for.
That's it for now. More later.
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