Tuesday, January 24, 2006

On a lighter note

You could always go out and get falling-down drunk with Dr. Pencil and his cronies and dance like a deranged Tamilian dripping with flammable hair oil. That is almost always guaranteed to make you feel better.


Anonymous said...

no, I'd rather talk to my beloved Boston mouse or the other belovedguyfrmjersey.

Anonymous said...

update us! update us!
*kicking and screaming on carpet*

Paresh said...

bloody statistic kahin ki

Wolfe said...

Look listen, it's not my fault that your wife left you to go to her maika and you have all this free blogging time. Did it ever occur to you that I may not have any light at home? Or internet access? Married losers. I have a monster MBA breathing down my neck and I can barely plan my sister's wedding much less cater to your obsessive blog-reading high-maintenance ass.

In short, sppppthhh!

Paresh said...

you know.. you can kiss my married arse you stupid hard studying idjut :p