Tuesday, September 12, 2006

You know I love you

I have tonsilitis again. Sucks.

Here's this term's schedule. Not very busy you say at first glance. But let me show you.

So if we take an average day to be from 7 am to 10 pm we have approx 50 hours of work time available for 6 days of the week (hey, a girl needs her coffee breaks and power naps). The 7th day is reserved for me time. Removing 10 hours per week for the stupid internship (see post below) and 10 hours per week for the research project gives us 30 hours. For each class we need about 4 hours of preparation time and I have 6 classes. That leaves us with 6 hours of available time. Per week. To be in meetings with team members, read industry journals, attend information sessions, go to interviews and eat lunch.

Which is why I haven't been reading your blog. But I will. Soon. Someday. On that insomniac night when I don't want to learn how to value patents. I'll prop myself up in bed, in my pink pajamas with the tele tuned to the infomercial channel and I will read all about your life. But until then, give me my 6 hours. To be in meetings with team members, read industry journals, attend information sessions, go to interviews and most importantly, eat lunch.


Paresh said...

Its official
you have no life.

Sumit Awasthi said...

Hey, talk to me and I will give you tips on how to make that "10 hours of stupid internship" turn into "2 hours of stupid internship, 2 hours of shooting shit at Cambridge Galleria Mall, 2 hours of napping while every other classmate is slogging, and 4 hours of watching desi movies that make as much sense as the stupid internship" easily!

And I am still doing fine, aren't I!?