Thursday, January 25, 2007

"I Wear A Wonderbra And I Don't Read 'The Economist'"

What exactly is this ad saying? I have breasts so I'm not smart enough to read The Economist? I show a lot of cleavage so I don't have to be smart to get what I want? I wear a Wonderbra so every man is at my beck and call? I'm a stupid female that thinks my breasts are more powerful than my brain? OK, maybe that last one's kinda true for some but still. Perhaps Linda Foster is just so cool for wearing a Wonderbra that intelligence like The Economist are just beneath her. Maybe the Wonderbra is so effective it makes her breasts so huge see can't see over them to read the magazine. Please. Explain this ad to us.

1 comment:

Lippy said...

As much as I like to think that I'm a creative thinker, and sometimes full-of-you-know-what, I couldn't even begin to come up with anything remotely close to an explanation for that.

We need more input, no?