Thursday, April 19, 2007

Americans are rather intolerant of nekkidness

Good - Sunshine.
Bad - Dubai's image.
Ugly - Timbaland's Shock Value album.


Paresh said...

Shock Value only has 2 good songs.. give it to me and bombay.

there's a bonus track with MIA that's on the UK release only, I shall share at some point. You and I haven't traded in music for a while. We have veritable gold mines on our hands you know?

Neha said...

i actually liked shock value, mostly because 'bounce' has the most perfect missy verse ever. the only thing that really sucked about it is timbo's half-asleep singing. it ain't his best shit but it's still better than a lot of other shit in his pop realm.

Lippy said...

Not a bug fan of Timbaland OR Halliburton. I'll take sunshine though.

Wolfe said...

I retract - I've unearthed a few decent tracks on Shock Value since this weekend. Way I are and Throw it on me and Release will grow on you if you listen to them oftentimes enough.

Oi, Neha! Where you at, girl?!

Wolfe said...

Oo, I wan that bonus track.