Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It's true

So like, I got a flat tire today. This may have been because I drove over a chunk of ice that was masquerading as a harmless chunk of ice but in fact was concealing some tire death in its shiny grip. The 'check tire pressure' light went on in the dashboard and I went on the freeway. Before you yell at me for driving on the freeway with a bum tire, let me remind you that there is no place to pull over on Storrow Drive and that there is a greater chance of being found by a patrol car on the freeway. Which is wot happened about 3 seconds after I pulled over to the side on the freeway. The cop graciously told me I had a flat. It took all my self-control to keep a straight face. He called me a tow truck. It took me 8 minutes to get into the cab of the tow truck. The tow truck man nicely changed my tire (thank you MassPike Authorities). Moira from Hertz nicely directed me to the nearest Hertz location where there was a nice red car waiting for me. Sadly it does not have power windows or locks as requested but it's only for a week and I guess I can live with that.

So I now have confirmation that my tax dollars are indeed at work and that having Gold status means nothing at Hertz.


Lippy said...

Hmm, some good, some bad came out of that. But, at least our Wolfie is alive and well!

Paresh said...

You had a flat tire and now you don't have a shiny red car with power thingies? One hardly thinks that's fair.