Navigation systems exist for a reason
I simply cannot be in a relationship with a man when I have more balls than he does. It's not right. It screws with some cosmic rule. It doesn't make sense. It's just not cricket.
Current mood: Highly irritated to the point of nausea.
Songs to reflect mood: Rammstein - Feuer Frei and Drowning pool - Bodies (vrenna xXx mix)
P.S. In case you were wondering, all desi men lack cojones.
And in case you were wondering exactly how gutsy I am...
"Your test score reveals that you've got major cojones when the situation calls for it - but at other times you prefer to play it safe. Perhaps there are certain things you will do, despite the risk involved, because they are important to you or the possible pay off makes them worth it. Or maybe certain consequences of such chancy behavior just don't scare you - we all have different fears. Some people, for example, are terrified of spiders but wouldn't hesitate to fling their bodies out of an air-borne plane. Whatever your case, carefully weigh the possible benefits against the risks before you make any hasty decisions. "
How gutsy are you?
scuse me.. I'm desi.. I'm male.. I have cojones...dammit..I do...
You don't count. In my books, you're not a man. You're an 'other'. And no, by that I don't mean that you're not a man. You're just not a man to me. That is not to say that if you and I were stuck on a deserted island and the future of mankind depended on us that I wouldn't... but only in extreme circumstances. Like if I had a gun held to my head. That is not to say that I don't think you're attractive. It's just that I don't think you're attractive in that sort of sense. Oh, you know wot I mean!
you need to stop smoking all that crack...
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