Stuck in traffic with nowhere to go
My bookmark list has 128 entries.
My eyeglasses have a permanent blue reflection.
I hate turning off my computer in case something important happens and it won’t boot up fast enough for me to Google it. Also, at night, I tend to take it to bed with me because I get an empty feeling when I’m away from it.
Sometimes, when V is online, I turn up the volume real loud so I can hear if he sends me a message.
When I check my email and it says I have no new messages, I check it again.
I am usually not aware of wot gender my friends are.
When I can’t sleep, I rock myself.
I’ve only been really truly jealous once. That was when Big D nestled Little D’s head on his shoulder, wrapped his arms around her and whispered to me, “she can’t sleep otherwise”.
Everytime someone takes a picture of me, I tilt my head.
I have lovely handwriting and when I swim, it’s like poetry in motion.
I’m afraid of falling and not being able to get up again.
I can never understand wot comes out of the speakers on the ‘Jesus’ car.
I know wot’s going to happen in most Hindi movies by the first fifteen minutes.
I hate hospitals.
I really really wanted to go to NYU.
I hate traveling with more than one bag.
Cream cheese is my favorite food.
Sometimes, I can’t stop talking. I once talked for a straight 10.5 hours pausing only for sips of water.
I can’t stand most Indian men.
I can be very neat, bold and brash.
I secretly wish my name was Rhonda Rimmer.
I was born in the same year as Kobe Bryant and he’s accomplished way more than I have.
I make wait staff cry.
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