More fun things said in class today
"There wasn't even a double space in between the text. That was really upsetting." - team member Kenny talking about a really long boring article to be read for class.
"How does it know the time? Mine just knows." - more from team member Kenny talking about laptop battery life.
"We're going to fine tune you till you die. Welcome to life." - executive presentations instructor talking about the learning process.
"Every time I pause, I kill an 'umm'. An 'umm' has died. I've killed a filler. It's a filler killer." - the same instructor talking about pausing in-between thoughts when you're presenting.
"When you start talking, your hands will pop right up. It's a miracle. There they are." - same instructor talking about gesturing and body posture.
"If they're in tuxes, break out the sequins." - same instructor talking about how one should dress for one's audience.
Also, I had a lovely chat with the Manager of Media Sales for Yahoo! Local (important stuff needs to have capital letters) who had these wise things to say -
"There are two types of people in the world - those that want to be at the top and those that are scared of the bottom."
"People make success. If the market is [conducive] and you have a good team, the success will come."
"It's only good business if it's good business." - yes, I know what that sounds like.
"Integrity is vital. You have to care about what you do. At the end of the day, you have to know that you made good on your word. Somebody's business is better because of your efforts."
I also spoke with an Account Director at Porter Novelli in D.C. (oh the family sticks together, dintcha know?) and the VP of Media Sales at 360i.
And all of these were cold calls. I'm so proud of myself *big grin*.
Ok. To lab to print, to bookstore to buy dividers (why is it that one always runs out of dividers?!), to home to eat and then perhaps a walk around the block. Bring your umbrella, it looks like rain.
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