Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I need a muse

I have a strategy and business analysis paper due tomorrow and I'm stuck for inspiration and my lips are burning because it's 1800 degrees below freezing and I have no chapstick. I had two you know. The Glaceau ones. Those were so good. I gave one to Black Cobra. She stole the other one. Loser. Now she's lost them and I can't find a single place that sells the damn things and my lips hurt. I've been staring at this damn blank screen for hours now and I can't come up with anything compelling to say on my paper.


1 comment:

Lippy said...

I feel your pain. A literature class that was part of my (forced)electives is run by a professor who thinks he's profound, so comes up with the most obscure topics for papers. His latest assignment is a 10-12 page delight.

So good luck finding your muse, too.