Thursday, October 18, 2007

I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a while

I've had to spend some time healing. I'm well on my way now so maybe I'll get on it shortly.

I haven't been completely useless while I've been away. I have learnt the following:

  1. Physical therapists are all illegitimate children of the Devil who don't understand the meaning of the words, "don't do that, it hurts".

  2. Firemen are very hot and very chivalrous regardless of which precinct they belong to or how old they are.

  3. I like mobikes more than I thought I did.

  4. Injections in the tough part of the heel of your foot hurt more than you'd think.

  5. I have very limited night vision and should avoid driving at night especially in the rain and I would like to sincerely apologize to all the smelly undergrad geeks at MIT who are all also apparently blind AND completely oblivious to road crossing laws.

  6. I now live in Mass. and the motorist has absolutely NO right of way. Even on highways.

  7. Physical therapists are all illegitimate children of the lawless mistress of the Devil who don't understand the meaning of the words, "no, I can't do that, it hurts".

  8. There is no polite, clean or ladylike way to eat a burrito. Even when armed with a knife and fork.

  9. Going out for burrito lunches with your boss will result in incessant teasing for the rest of the day because you will not be able to eat your burrito in a polite, clean or ladylike way.

  10. The BBC's online radio player sucks. By which I mean that it is engineered with fuckall inferior technology and the IT crew there should jump off the nearest bridge because they have brought shame to the media industry.

  11. Punjabi Hit Squad rocks.

  12. I want to have Nihal's babies... lots of them.

  13. It is ALWAYS a bad idea to make sudden jerky movements when your doctor comes at you with a giant needle aiming for your jaw.

  14. NSAIDs will cause nausea regardless of the dosage or quantity of food consumed along with.

  15. Orange juice is very bad for nausea.

  16. DJ Sanj will never go out of style.

  17. Physical therapists are wonderful people who have all sorts of drugs, tools, practices and tricks to fix your body after it's been battered and bruised by the ravages of time and stupidity. That and they're deaf to cries of pain.
Listen to desi dirtiness. I shall write more later.


Anonymous said...

'I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a while'

Soright, forgiven, we need a weekend of makeup blogging to ease the hurt

Lippy said...

Well hello there. Sorry for your troubles, but I do believe your assessments are dead-on accurate. Especially that last evaluation of the therapists.

Feel better so I have more to read, ok?