Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Diwali

I'd post the standard requisition diya picture but that would be too cheesy.

Yes, I know I haven't written much and that people really don't care about business and stuff but life these days is buried in MBA crap. Midterms and papers and reports and presentations. Sucks out the time from one's day. Plus sometimes one just doesn't want to talk about oneself. This is a direct result of having to analyze onself, talk about oneself, assess oneself ad nauseam. I don't need to know this much about me. I wrote a 12 page paper on me two weeks ago for cryin' out loud. Nothing fun happens anymore anyway. Well, nothing that's not MBA related.

So read dem business articles I post and one day when I'm not surrounded by professors screaming at me to self-analyze I shall write a nice long one about me.

Had my Accounting team presentation today - the women were inadvertantly color-coordinated in black and tan and the men in black and blue. It's nice to wear a suit to school.

Mother leaves Little Rock for Dubai today and so, of course, self is hugely depressed.

Lots of aches and pains. Think I'm getting old.

1 comment:

Neha said...