Sand in my sandals
Voice identification - not science fiction for much longer.
India's airlines aren't being ignored anymore.
Coca-Cola fails in Germany.
Legal online betting on horses. Ten bucks says Etisalat's blocked the site. Which raises another question - do the horse owners get a piece of tbe ante pie?
New web monitoring tool created by Wisconsin-based tech and marketing firm. More than just a cool toy? Nooches, give it a whirl and let us know.
Disturbing statistics about women and the workforce.
The art of managing expectations. Wot every salesperson should have as a guide book. That being said, I never met a sales chap I liked. Why do they all ooze sleaze? Wot is it about them?
Speaking of sales chappies, I had the strangest dream last night. I dreamt my AM was Schubert. Only he wasn't. But I was in a 4-storey hospital elevator that was hosting a party and I couldn't find the Googster. So I went home to change into a black blouse for my dinner date with Schubert. Only it wasn't Schubert, it was my AM. So VERY bizzare. Woke at 2 am, couldn't sleep and so finished 'Shall we tell the President?' (Jeffery Archer, Sir). D'ya remember when we stood in line to get those books signed when he was in town, Goog? And Sush was all a-twitter. That was funny.
Women fail to negotiate. Did you know this? I always thought the bargaining skills were transferrable from the grocer to the workplace.
Steroid sports. Frankly I think it's a waste of time. Do we really want to see lughead pumping themselves up with green and yellow pills just so they can hit a ball further? But hey, this is America. Make it happen and people will pay. Which raises another question - how do you measure quality of life?
Why face time is unreasonable in these times. Liz Ryan has grasped the nub (or is that the crux?!). I agree. Why, in God's name, should I be expected to be at my desk from 9-5, 5 days a week? Especially the sort of job I do. I'm better off doing it at home. Which, btw, makes my parents very nervous. They're of the generation and profession where face time is all there is. But I say free yourselves! Unchain the shackles that bound you to your desk! Find a beach somewhere with wireless connectivity. Management consultancy, here I come!